In the Apple Tree

Sunday, October 17, 2021

This last week in Pre-K our focus was Fruit Trees and Fruits.. Our main theme is Orchard Harvest this month. As the children learned about different fruits they learned that fruits  have different colors, smells, feels and taste. The children learned that the fruit has different parts such as seeds , skin, flesh and more. The children are exploring that this month through their sensory skills by touching and exploring. This coming week they will be exploring inside a pumpkin. I will share our experiences next week.

Johnny Appleseed 

This last week we enjoyed the story of Johnny Appleseed. I love sharing this story every Fall. The curriculum included a Storybook and Story pieces which the children loved during story time. 
They enjoyed hearing about his kind and generous spirit toward others.
They were excited to make their Johnny Appleseed Puppets. 
Each puppet was so adorable and unique with the children’s artwork.

Rolling for Letters

The children enjoyed playing this game while learning Letter Recognition and improving Writing Skills & Social Skills.
They would take turns rolling the dice , identify the letter facing upward and then write that letter on the Apple Paper. They had a super fun time together playing this game!

Counting Lemons

Playdough makes learning important math skills even more fun!  
The children loved making playdough lemons and all at the same time learning one to one correspondence, number recognition and counting.
The had so much fun with lemons 🍋 and playdough.

Little Jack Horner

Plum Pie
The children made their plum pies and recited the poem Little Jack Horner
and pretended to pull out a plum! 🫐 🥧 

So Cute! 💜


We had a great week in Pre-K-4  learning about Fruit Trees. 
See you next week for Animals in the Orchard.

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

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