Our Daily Routine With MGT

Sunday, September 30, 2018

All of our Preschool Days are rich with Mother Goose Time 
Curriculum. Our Daily Schedule begins with MGT and ends with it at the end of the day.
Our days run really smoothly overall but if a schedule change needs to be made to meet the needs of the children we will do that. Being flexible is very important when teaching young children . Things may not go as planned but it doesn’t matter as long as you have met their needs and you  are flexible.

Table Games 

Writing Activity 

Circle Time 

Outside Time

Bible Story Time 


Learning Centers & Art Time 

Cleanup and lunch
Music and Story Time 

Group Learning Activity 

End of Day Activity-Parents picking up- Tables Games 

Another Awesome Day of Learning Has Ended❤️😍

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

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