An Amazing School Year Comes to an End

It is hard to believe this school year has already come to an end. We started the school year with much anticipation over the unknown of the Covid Virus and how it would affect our school year. With the hard work of the staff and parents following the guidelines and many prayers sent, the school year went very smoothly.
We did not have any closures this year so I was able to use Experience Early Learning Curriculum Experience Early Learning in the classroom the full school year. This was exciting because in 2020 we had a few months of distance learning and I sent packets to the students to pick up.
It is much more exciting using curriculum in the classroom with the students. It is such times that make you appreciate the good things in life.

Themes Through the School Year

Below through photos I am sharing with you our themes through the past school year. Skills the children learn with each theme are Social & Emotional, Physical & Motor, Language & Literacy,
Math & Reasoning, Science, Social Studies and Creative Arts. The children learn through hands on activities and Circle Time is a very important part of their day. Please visit my blog posts to see more. 

All About Me

Weather and Seasons

Explore the Rainforest 

Ice Castle


Global Passport 

Space and Sky 

Ocean Dive

Garden Treasures 

Here are the Themes For the Coming School Year! So Exciting!

We will see our Preschool and Pre-K Friends in September. Have a Great Summer!
Mrs. Vonda’s Pre-K Experience Early Learning

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

Garden Vegetables

Garden Vegetables 

This week we learned about treasures we find in a garden. 
Carrots, potatoes, beans, peas, tomatoes and more.
The children named the vegetables they saw on the vocabulary cards. I asked them what their favorite vegetable was. The most popular vegetables by vote
 in our classroom were corn and carrots!
All school year we have discussed how healthy vegetables and fruits are for our bodies. We talk about how they make us healthy and strong! Some of the children said they have gardens growing at their home and they help their parents with taking care of the garden.

Carrot Sewing 

The children did a craft for one of their most favorite vegetables. They laced up two carrot shapes and added a green fringe cut top. They colored designs on the front of the carrot and cut the fringe out of the green paper.
After finishing their carrot 🥕 they had a carrot pocket to hide a treasure inside.

Letters on Vines
Matching Upper and Lowercase Letters 

The children enjoyed this really awesome game ! 
The children would pull one lowercase  letter and find it’s uppercase match. After finding it’s  match they would add it to the vine. 
This is so fun and such a good resource I will be keeping this out for a circle time teaching resource. The children will really love this!

Stone Soup
I gathered the children on the rug and read them the Folktale 
“Sone Soup.”
We discussed what the townspeople in the story did and everything they added to make stone soup. 
The children then made their own Stone Soup Collage. They colored the pot shapes and cut out the vegetable pieces. They put their cute collages together. We talked about the importance of working together and helping others.

Potato Race

My children loved this game. I had to modify it since I didn’t have real potatoes. I used a cube and pictures of potatoes 🥔 and the children had so much fun! 
They rolled the dice and if it landed on their letter, they could move their letter potato a space . First one to the end was The Potato Race Winner.

Garden Postcard Writing Center 

Writing Garden Words 

Writing Words Like:
My children love writing center and these big colorful postcards. They make writing even more fun each month!

What Do You Like? 
I Can Read Books 

We read our readers together pointing to the words as we read them.
“What do you like?”

“I like corn, “ said the little crow.

Then the children told me what they like in the garden.
They wrote their favorite vegetable.

We had a wonderful week in Pre-k learning about Garden Vegetables with Experience Early Learning!   Experience Early Learning 
Mrs.Vonda’s Pre-K
This last week we did so many fun Learning Activities with Experience Early Learning Curriculum 
I am so thankful for the opportunity to use  Experience Early Learning Curriculum with my students and to share our experiences on my blog. 
In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews Experience Early Learning has provided me with the curriculum free of charge.
I have used Experience Early Learning Curriculum in my Classroom since 2017..
Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

Garden Visitors

Last week we learned about Garden Visitors. Some Garden Visitors we learned about are the Mole, Crow, Rabbit, Toad and Bee. The children learned that rabbits and moles can be a pest in the garden because they eat crops and dig holes. They learned that bees are helpful because they produce honey and they pollinate food crops.

During Circle Time we discussed the differences between a Frog and a Toad. 
The children took a vote and decided that they liked Frogs better than Toads.

They liked that a Frog lives in the water and has a long tongue. I explained to the children that toads are nocturnal which means they sleep during the day and come out to find food at night 

My Pet Toad

The children were excited to make a Pet Toad. The children colored the bowl brown. Then glued on the brown Pom Poms and Wiggly Eyes. Then the legs were attached. Some chose to draw a face and add split peas for bumps.
They were the cutest Toads ever!  🐸 ❤️

Listen Like a Rabbit 

The children learned that Rabbits mostly live underground in burrows or holes. They have really big ears that help them listen. Rabbits are very quiet, especially when they are scared, when they are hungry and tired. They love to eat vegetables and grass. I reminded the children of the story Peter Rabbit. They really love this story.

The children made rabbit masks with really big rabbit ears.
The children put the masks on and pretended to be rabbits listening for sounds.

Theme RelatedGames For Learning 
The children love ❤️ the independence of playing these learning games together. I will play the games together with them a few times and then they are ready to take turns and play them with their friends.
We love these games!!!! They are so fun!

Small Group Math - Animals in the Garden 

Table Top Literacy- Bunny Tale Alphabet 

We had an Amazing Week in Pre-K learning about Garden Visitors! 
Mrs. Vonda 
This last week we did so many fun Learning Activities with Experience Early Learning Curriculum 
I am so thankful for the opportunity to use  Experience Early Learning Curriculum with my students and to share our experiences on my blog. 
In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews Experience Early Learning has provided me with the curriculum free of charge.
I have used Experience Early Learning Curriculum in my Classroom since 2017..
Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

Growing Gardens

This last week we started our Unit-Garden Treasures with Experience Early Learning for the Month of May. We started with the Theme: Growing Gardens.

Circle Time
I displayed the photo of the flower plant and held up the plant label words. The children helped me to identify the parts of the plant.
Stem, Leaf, Seed, Flower and Roots

I will keep the label words displayed in the pocket chart in Science Center.
We will also use these labels for other activities included in the curriculum. I like to display them for the children to see and read.

Creative Art
Our Creative Art was a Beautiful Sunflower Headband . Since it was going to be Mother’s Day on Sunday the children made them into Mother’s Day Crowns for their mothers.
The crowns were Beautiful! 🌸 The children were so excited to make their mom a gift for their special day.

Flower Garden Playdough Creations 
How fun!!!! Making beautiful flowers 🌸 with Playdough!
The children rolled the pocket cube to see which flower to create with playdough. They created some of their own designs as well!

They created flower petals, stems and leaves. I enjoyed this fun activity as well!

They made little gardens.

Beautiful Flower Designs

Plant Designs with Cubes

The children created super cute plant designs with cubes and design mats. They created red, blue and orange flowers.

Blue was my favorite!

I will leave this table activity in our everyday table games because this is a table activity to be enjoyed often..

Extra Activities in our Curriculum 

Writing Vocabulary Words 

Letters for this Month 

Patterning with Calendar Numbers 

What a Great Week it was in Pre-K4 with Experience Early Learning!   Experience Early Learning 
Mrs. Vonda 
This last week we did so many fun Learning Activities with Experience Early Learning Curriculum 
I am so thankful for the opportunity to use  Experience Early Learning Curriculum with my students and to share our experiences on my blog. 
In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews Experience Early Learning has provided me with the curriculum free of charge.
I have used Experience Early Learning Curriculum in my Classroom since 2017..
Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.