The Rainbow Fish

This last week we did so many fun Learning Activities with Experience Early Learning Curriculum 
I am so thankful for the opportunity to use  Experience Early Learning Curriculum with my students and to share our experiences on my blog. 
In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews Experience Early Learning has provided me with the curriculum free of charge.
I have used Experience Early Learning Curriculum in my Classroom since 2017..

Story Time and Circle Time 
Every time I teach about the Ocean I love to include the book The Rainbow Fish. I love early literacy and teaching from stories.
As I read the story to the children I love watching their faces as they get into the story. I have been teaching for 28 years and their sweet reactions are always the same! ❤️

The children learned that Rainbowfish are small and live in tropical waters.The older they are the more colorful they are. They usually swim together in a school.

We discussed how Rainbow Fish like to swim in a School. We compared it to the fish in the book “Swimmy.”
They stayed together to stay safe.
The children also discussed what colors they saw in the Rainbow Fish Conversation Poster.

Creative Art 

They were excited to make their own Creative Art
Rainbow Fish

They painted their fish shapes, added an eye  and chose scales they wanted to decorate with  .They turned out beautiful!

School of Fish Game

This can be played as Group Game or as a table game number recognition & counting game.

Fun Number Game 

Colorful Rainbowfish Game 

With this game the children rolled the cube and identified the color and placed that color piece on the
Rainbowfish Outline.

The children worked together and finished the game until all the white area was full on the fish shape. They had so much fun!

Another book suggestion is :
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish,Blue Fish
By Dr.Seuss

We had a super week in Pre-K learning about Small Sea Creatures!
Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

Learning About Whales

This last week we did so many fun Learning Activities with Experience Early Learning Curriculum 
I am so thankful for the opportunity to use  Experience Early Learning Curriculum with my students and to share our experiences on my blog. 
In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews Experience Early Learning has provided me with the curriculum free of charge.
I have used Experience Early Learning Curriculum in my Classroom since 2017..
Circle Time
During circle time I shared the Whale Conversation Poster with the children . I invited them to share their knowledge about Whales. 
Some things the Children shared with us are:
1. Whales are very Big.
2.They breathe air through a blowhole.
3. They have big teeth.
What I shared with the children:
1.Whales are the largest animals on earth.
2.Some Whales’ teeth resemble a brush.
3.They often communicate with each other through “whale songs.”

Breathe Like a Whale 
I explained to the children that whales are mammals and have lungs like humans. They breathe air in and out through a blowhole. 
During Art the children blew through a straw while blowing paint. Before blowing the paint they pretended it was a blowhole breathing in and out.

Whale Blowing Art
Creative Art Fun

For Art the children made the cutest whale. 🐳 
The children used a straw to blow paint across the whale shape. They stuck on the eye, drew a face, attached the straw through the blowhole and inserted tissue paper in the straw.
 Cutest Whale Ever! ❤️

Whale Bubbles 

The letter of the week was Ww. Whale was on the color sheet and that called for some Whale Bubbles. 
The children dipped the blue pompoms in paint to creat Whale Bubbles on the page. 
The children loved this activity! 

After a great day of learning about Whales what song 🎶 could be  better than “Baby Beluga.”

Baby Beluga by Raffi

It was a Super Awesome Week  in Pre-K Four Learning About Large Sea Creatures!
Mrs. Vonda.
Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

The Ocean

This last week we did so many fun Learning Activities with Experience Early Learning Curriculum 
I am so thankful for the opportunity to use  Experience Early Learning Curriculum with my students and to share our experiences on my blog. 
In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews Experience Early Learning has provided me with the curriculum free of charge.
I have used Experience Early Learning Curriculum in my Classroom since 2017..

During our first week of Ocean Dive we learned about Parts of the Ocean.
We learned about Ocean Water, the Ocean Floor, Oeean Caves, Ocean Plants and Coral Reefs.

Five Oceans

The children learned that there are Five Oceans and during circle time we found them on the map. I also have the word cards out for them to see over in the Science/Sensory Center.

Ocean Plants
We learned about Ocean plants and Ocean starts with an Oo so we decorated it with green strips like an Ocean Plant.

On the Ocean Floor 

Oyster Pearls

The children created their own oysters by folding the paper plates in half and decorating them on both sides.Then adding a bead or beads on pipe cleaner.

My Little Journal

Writing and Drawing 
The children wanted to draw their favorite sea animal on the front of their journals.Most of the children wanted to draw a shark! Sharks are their favorite!

On the inside of the journal the children did tracing and additional activities.

What they do not finish at school, they enjoy doing at home with a family member.


Coral Reef Creations 

The children especially loved doing this activity. They created some amazing Coral Reefs. They had so much fun doing it!


They used several different materials such as play dough, pipe cleaner, packing peanuts, cut up straws and beads.

We had a great week of Ocean Dive in Pre-K Four. 
Mrs. Vonda’s Pre-K

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

Experience Easter

This last week we did so many fun Learning Activities with Experience Early Learning Curriculum 
I am so thankful for the opportunity to use  Experience Early Learning Curriculum with my students and to share our experiences on my blog. 
In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews Experience Early Learning has provided me with the curriculum free of charge.
I have used Experience Early Learning Curriculum in my Classroom since 2017.. 

The week before Easter the children were 
so excited to enter the classroom and to see ‘Bunnies Had Invaded Space’. 😄 🐰 
This past month we have been learning about Space and Sky.
They found Bunnies and Eggs in the Space Center.

They enjoyed collecting eggs in Space.

They also enjoyed playing pin the tail on the bunny.

Pin the tail on the bunny is included in the Experience Easter Packet available from Experience Early Learning website.

The children also enjoyed Bunnies in Block Center.

For CircleTime we had fun with a cute Bunny Poem from the Experience Easter Packet.

Five Little Bunnies 🐰 

Another Fun Learning Center 
Library Center- Bunnies in Space 

Easter Math Game - Cards are included in the Experience Easter KIt

I wrote numbers on the cards and the children used Easter theme erasers to count and complete the game.

Another fun way to use these cards is in the Writing Center.  The children could come to the writing center 
and write Easter words. They could also write invitations.
I wrote Easter words on the cards for the children to trace or write.

More Ideas For Easter Party Day

Sensory Center Egg Fun

Easter Party Snack

Easter Egg Hunt 

We had a Super Fun Easter Celebration Week! 
Mrs.Vonda’s Pre-K Four. 🐰🐣

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.