Caterpillars, Moths and Butterflies

This week my grandchildren were excited to come to Nana’s 😍 House For More Adventures in Learning About Bugs. Now since they have completed homeschooling for school 
they will have even more time for Fun and Exploring during the Summer! I am enjoying these special times with my grandchildren and the memories we are making.

These precious years pass quickly. I love using the curriculum from Experience Early Learning and I am blessed and thankful to be a Blog Ambassador. ❤️

This Week we learned about Caterpillars, Moths and Butterflies.

We discussed how caterpillars move and what they eat.
Caterpillars can be many different colors and are usually the same color as their habitats.

It is important for caterpillars to eat a lot so they can sustain 
their growth into the next stage - adulthood.

For Make and Play the children made Caterpillars out of Cornstarch Noodles.
They wet the ends of the noodles and stuck them together. 
The caterpillars were so cute! 
They even made little antennaes.
Afterwards they hid them under leaves.

What Am I?    Small Group Literacy 
Each month with the curriculum the children receive a Sight Word Book called I Can Read Books. This month’s Sight Words:  I, am, the
My Granddaughter Read this book to us along with another book that was included in the curriculum. It was called Three Butterflies 

There are also magnetic story pieces that go along with Three Butterflies which can be used for story time or the children can use them for retelling the story.

Constructing Caterpillars 

The children enjoyed creating different insect shapes using the different cut out foam shapes. To make it more challenging take away the mat and the children can create their own insect shapes.


Fuzzy little moths, Flying in the night. 
Sarah saw a lamp, And danced toward the light.

We discussed that moths warm up their flight muscles by vibrating their wings. 

Moths are related to Butterflies. Moths live in forests, fields, and meadows.

For Make & Play the children made a Moth Wand.
They decorated the moth shapes with markers and tissue shapes and attached the straw handle. Their moth creations 
were Beautiful!


What colors and shapes do you see on a butterflies wings ? Where do butterflies go in the winter?

 The butterfly has four stages in their life cycle. What are they? These are some of the things we discussed.

For Make and Play the children started creating their Butterfly Puppets. They drew designs on the coffee filters with marker then dripped water on it and all the colors blended, They drew their butterfly face & body on the paper sack and attached the pipe cleaner antennae. The coffee filter wings were then dry so they attached them.

Inventing Insects 

What shapes do you see on a insect? What shape blocks do you see?

The children took turns drawing 2 shape cards and then created insects with those 2 shape blocks  and playdough.

 This was a Super Awesome Activity! 😊

 Camouflage Matching 

They took turns flipping the cards 2 at a time. They had fun and it did take patience to get those matches! 😊

Bug Choices

I loved this! Since my grandchildren are older  I changed it up a little!
I asked the questions. We talked about it and they wrote down their answers on the postcards.
So cute! 

It was another Awesome Week! We are looking forward to 
Treasure Island .🌴 #ExperienceEarlyLearning

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

All About Bug Homes

This week we learned all about Bug Homes. Bug Homes can be in Plants, Dirt, Hills, a Web or in Hives.

Leaf insects camouflage themselves from predators by looking like leaves.
What do you think insects like to eat?
Insects like to eat plants, leaves, wood and roots.
They are called herbivorous insects.

The Children made a Leaf Bug Collage 
The children looked at the Inspiration Photo before starting on their Creation.
The first thing they noticed in the photo was all the holes the bugs had made.
The children started punching holes in their paper before cutting out their leaf.
They looked at the leaf shapes on the table and chose a shape for their leaf and then cut it out.
After cutting out their leaf shape they added the circle shape stickers for bugs.
They finished by drawing legs and other body parts on the bugs.

A Leaf Story 

The children drew pictures of their favorite insects and decorated their creations with leaves.

What do you like about this insect?

Can you share your story? 😊

Fun With Steam Stations

Our Awesome Nature Bugs Steam Station
They had so much fun with this activity. They created insects with nature items.
Questions asked were:
What body parts does an insect have?
What do you know about insects?
How could you make a newly discovered insect?

Gathered Materials for Nature Bugs

Nature Bugs were a Big Hit! 😊

Another Steam Station the Children enjoyed was Worm Tunnels.

When earthworms tunnel through the dirt they bring air into the soil.

Many insects spend at least part of their lives underground in the dirt.

Ants and termites live most of their lives underground in social colonies and living in tunnel structures.

The children really enjoyed this Steam Station.


How many ants do you think live in one anthill?
250,000 ants

For their Make and Play Project - The children made Anthill Shakers.

First they counted their ants (black beans) and put them in the Ant Hill.

Then they decorated their Anthill Shakers! 🐜 

They made a lot of noise! 😃 🐜 🤣

An Anthill is formed when ants dig underground colonies and deposit the extra soil in one spot.
There are many pathways and tunnels throughout the structure.

Bug Bingo

The children played a fun game of Bug Bingo. They described the bug on the card instead of showing it to make it more challenging. 😉


The silk strands in a web are five times stronger than a piece of steel the same size.

Many spiders actually replace their entire webs every day.

 For their Creative Corner Activity the Children made a Web.They each had a cardboard loom and yarn. They wrapped the yarn around the loom to create the web.Then they received their toy spiders.
They had fun and made up a silly 😜 rhyme/song for their spiders!


 Bee hives or colonies contain three types of bees: the queen, the workers, and drones.Bees protect themselves by building their hives in very secret spots.

Our last activity of the day was for my granddaughter to read  to us Forest Friends : Busy as a Bee 🐝 Book
How was the Bee Respectful?

The children followed up with a Drawing and Writing Activity about ways to be Respectful.
Below is what they shared. ❤️


See you next week for
Camouflage Bugs !


Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.