Authentic Assessment with Mother Goose Time

Through the school year Mother Goose Time covers all the important areas of learning. I am going to share with you some samples of Activities that we do in our classroom throughout each month and through the school year. From September through May in my Pre-K class I can track each child’s progress through the school year through observation and by collecting a few pieces of work each month and taking photographs of their work & progress.

The children have a lot of writing opportunities throughout the month. They enjoy writing in their journals.

Creative Art 
The children love art time. They can’t wait to create!

The hands on Science Activities are the best. The children gain so much from these!

Early Reading The children are proud to learn early sight words. It is Awesome to see their progress each month.

Early Math
With the early math games they are having so much fun the children do not realize they are even learning special skills such as number recognition, one to one Correspondence ,counting , patterning and shapes.

A love for literacy and books

Learning About Our Themes

Circle Time Learning 

Our days are full and exciting!  It is exciting most of all to see their amazing progress with Mother Goose Time!
Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

Orchard Harvest/Skins & Shells

This week the children learned about skins and shells. We discussed Walnuts, Chestnuts, Avocados, Bananas and Peaches.
We had a hands on experience with Pumpkins.

Orchard Postcards 
The children created Orchard Postcards. They drew Walnut Trees.

The children learned the parts of a pumpkin and had the hands on experience of touch and feel.

It was an awesome last week of Orchard Harvest. It has been a great month!

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.