Using Mother Goose Time Materials in my Classroom

Monday, September 3, 2018

First I plan with Mother Goose Time 
I love the amazing Resources they have available to plan with. It makes it fun and easy.

I send home a newsletter each month for my parents .
These are awesome because they are a communication tool and they also extend the theme at home.

I use the lower case letters along with the words and pictures in my alphabet Center.
The children enjoy these in the library center.

As we continue the theme I will hang more posters of feeling faces from real children. With each different theme I will display posters that reflect the theme.

I use the posters and sometimes I use the games in my science center.

I use any extra Journals in my writing center.
I try to encourage writing in a fun way. We have our group writing time and the children can choose to come to Writing Center.

I love Mother Goose Time Books . They are a favorite for Storytime. 
Circle Time Resources 
Circle Time is so fun! I love all of the Resources that Mother Goose Time provides. I love the shape song card. ❤️ I love the color crayon. It is all so  Awesome! Circle Time also includes the number, letter, calendar, topic and more.

The children love the magnet story telling pieces as well. With the story pieces they re-tell the story to their friends or teacher.

I find so many ways to use Mother Goose Time Materials in my classroom. I want my children to gain all they can from MGT Materials. 

I am so thankful to have MGT in my classroom.

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

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