Winter Wonderland with Mother Goose Time 

This month has been truly special. Not only because it was Christmas Time but also because it snowed here in Central Texas. It has been at least 17 years since we have had enough snow for it to accumulate. We received 3 to 4 inches in one evening and it melted by noon the next day but it was our snow ❄️ while we had it!  The adults were as excited as the children. It was a early Christmas gift from God ❤️

One of Ariana’s wishes for a very long time was to see snow and it finally came true.

Ariana loved the snow. She said it was fluffy & glittery and she liked making snowballs but her hands felt like ice cubes.
For Ariana the opportunity to experience a real snow was amazing. Then to experience the awesome learning activities from Mother Goose Time’s  Winter Wonderland just brought the incredible learning experience all together.
She loved making her Hanging Snowflake ❄️

When Ariana created her mountain drawing It reminded her of how it looked when it snowed here. How it looked on the trees.

I Can Read Reader
Ariana was able to read the Sight Word Reader book to me - Can You Come In?
She pointed to each word as she was reading.

Journal Time

It was time for Journal Time. Ariana decorated her cover with her playing in the snow and building a snowman. Then she did what she loves doing so much - Writing!

She wrote through the journal. She also wrote some words from her sight word book.
Storytime - Penry’s Great Adventure

Later she then re-told the story Penry’s Great Adventure In sequence of the story. This being An important part of early math and literacy.
I am going to try to attach the video of her re-telling the story.
I wasn’t able to load it to my blog. It is a total of 5 minutes. I am sad I can’t share it with you.

She is using the story pieces to re-tell the story Penry’s Great Adventure.

Ariana heard the story and then she wrote her own Penguin Story and drew pictures to illustrate it.Below are photos of her writing her own Penguin Story about a very messy penguin.

Below are a few more activities
She made an igloo

We talked about the different animals and their fur color.

One last activity she enjoyed was the Arctic Puzzle. Winter Wonderland is one of my Favorites ❤️ Thank you Mother Goose Time for another great month!

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.