Pond Life: Week Two - Pond Plants

Sunday, March 15, 2020


This week in Pre-K we learned all about Pond Plants. We learned about Submergent Pond Plants, Bog Plants, Emergent Pond Plants, Floating Pond Plants and Algae.

We learned that Submergent Pond Plants are completely under water and they are a great place for fish to hide.

Cattails are a Bog Plant and they grow in shallow water near the edges of the pond. Their roots grow under water.

Emergent Pond Plants stand above the water. Their roots are under water in the mud. Lily pads are an emergent pond plant.

Floating Pond Plants have roots that hang in the water but are not attached to the pond bottom.

Algae are simple organisms that make food from sunlight by 
photosynthesis , but do not have roots, stems or leaves like a regular plant. A cluster of algae is called a bloom.

The children talked about ponds they have in their yards. Some have small ponds and some have large ponds. Some of their ponds have small Small Fish and Lily Pads. Other children shared that they have large ponds that have fish for fishing. Some of their families own cattle and the cattle use the large ponds to drink from.

Here is what the children created in Creative Corner this week for Pond Plants:

The children used the materials to create Cattails in a Pond.

Peaceful Pond
The children used crayons to create a pond life drawing and then added blue water color.

And the children made the Lily Pad Count Art Project 
The children decorated their pond plates and glued on their Lily pads. They cut apart their frog strips and their games were ready. 
How many frogs 🐸 are in each Lily pad?
Which one has more?
Such a fun game to play with friends!

Steam Stations- In Our Science Center 
The children loved the Algae Sensory Bags!

I will be posting more learning activities from this week.

It was another great week with Experience Early Learning!
The children really love the Pond Theme! 
Have a Great Week! Vonda Bearden 

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

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