Places We Live

Monday, June 11, 2018

This week we are learning about places people live. We talked about the different types of homes people live in. Here and all around the world. Homes keep us safe. We discussed how everyone’s home looks different and how it is important to them. Whether it’s a house, an apartment, an RV , a hotel room, it is home to them .🏡 

Ariana described the houses she saw in the Inspiration Photo below. She talked about the color of each house in the photo. She said she would give her house the number 10. She also said she would paint a flower on it.


Building Letters - Writing her full name 

Apartments and other Tall Buildings

I asked Ariana 

What is the tallest building you have ever seen?

She said at the Astros Game when people 

were watching the game on top of a building.

Alphabet Apartment Game

Ariana cut out the letter pieces to the Alphabet Apartment game. She flipped them over and shuffled them.She chose one letter at a time and matched them to the letters on the Alphabet Apartment Building. As she placed the letters she wrote them down.

What’s in the House 

Finding Clues


Something Red

Reading more clues 

Animal Homes to find

RV’s & Hotels

This past week we went on a road trip with Ariana and her brother Samuel. We talked about maps and road signs. We talked about ways to travel and places to stay. We stayed at 2 hotels. We had the Best Time!


Ariana loved making her crown and talking about castles. She has seen a Castle at Disney World. Castles are very Beautiful!  We think of Kings, Queens and Fairytales.

Samuel enjoyed making a crown too.

We had a great week learning about Places We Live! - The Alphabet House MGT

Disclaimer: I am so thankful for the opportunity to use Experience Early Learning formerly Mother Goose Time Curriculum with my students. I can’t wait to share our learning experiences on my blog. In exchange for my unbiased and honest reviews, Experience Early Learning has provided us with the curriculum free of charge.

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